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When Did Chiropractic Start?

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Chiropractic has seemed to be in the United States for a while but many people do not even know who started it or how it even got started. Chiropractic officially started on September 18th, 1895 when the fist chiropractic adjustment was given by the founder of chiropractic, DD Palmer. On September 18th, 1895 DD Palmer was walking around the Putnam building in downtown Davenport, Iowa when he noticed a deaf janitor. DD Palmer brought the janitor into an office and began a primitive examination. DD noticed an abnormally large bump on the janitors neck which felt bony in nature. DD decided to try to put the bone back into place. With a quick motion, the first chiropractic adjustment was given. So what happened to the deaf janitor afterwards?

Miraculously, the janitor was able to hear again. After that instance, chiropractic was born. DD went on t refine his craft and help many other people after his first encounter with the janitor. DD created the first chiropractic school in Davenport, Iowa in 1897. His son, BJ Palmer, went on to refine and define chiropractic in a more precise manner. Therefore, BJ Palmer is known as the “developer of chiropractic”.

In 1913, Kansas granted the first licenses for chiropractic in the United States. Now, all 50 states and territories have licensing programs for qualified doctors of chiropractic. Chiropractic has been integral in the history of the United States healthcare system. Chiropractic was shown to be of major help in the 1918 flu epidemic and is now proving to be of major benefit of the opioid epidemic now within the US. Chiropractic has a very interesting and awe-inspiring past but now has an even brighter future. With more chiropractic colleges and esteemed research being developed in the field, all of the “miracles” of the past are starting to be explained. It is amazing to recognize the past of this profession while still being excited for all the great that is to come in the future of chiropractic.

BJ Palmer Adjustment

BJ Palmer giving an upper cervical adjustment pictured above.

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